Monday, August 10, 2009

Serious Play

Alice George presents...

Serious Play #3 (the movie):
A Poetry Workshop for seriously playful

September 9, 16, 23, 30

7-9:30 pm
The Writers WorkSpace
5443 N. Broadway St.
Chicago, IL 60640

$125 registration fee
Limit 10 participants

phone 773-907-0336 / cell 773-350-2072
fax 773-751-2242
NOTE: Free parking in back lot during workshop hours.

Space is limited: To register, please email me ASAP to reserve your space. Fee will be due in full before or on the first day of class. No pro-rated fees: if you can't make all the classes, you still have to pay the $125.


This four-session workshop invites seriously playful poets to engage in a temporary community of learners during the month of September (the workshop may continue if there is interest). Poet and workshop-leader Alice George will jump-start each session with a 25-minute presentation/in-class writing exercise. Topics in September may include "Ambition: Writing the longer Poem" "Lit/Crit: what poets can glean from contemporary literary criticism", "Collaborative poetry" and "Line Break Intensive".

Each participant will have a chance to have one poem discussed by the group each session, with the intent to learn from each other while providing practical and constructive suggestions for revision. Each participant will have the option to schedule one hour-long conference with Alice for the discounted 'participant' price of $50. (Alice offers these conferences to non-workshop participants for $100). This conference will include line-by-line review and critique of a small (3-6 pp) manuscript, and recommendations for writing and reading.

NOTE: Free parking in back lot during workshop hours.

Who: This workshop will be a good fit for serious (but not solemn) poets who have been writing for at least one year, and have some experience in having their work discussed by others. If you're not sure, email Alice with your questions. Class minimum = 6, maximum = 10.

For more information on Alice visit:

How Much: $125 for all four sessions or $175 for all four sessions plus a one-hour conference TB arranged with Alice. Payment in full must be received before workshop starts or on the first evening.