Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Elbowing Off the Stage

a c o mm u n i t yr e a din g se r i e s

Hafizah Geter, Kristen Orser,
& Jacob Knabb

Monday, September 21

Manhattan's Bar
415 South Dearborn
Paces away from the Jackson/Library-State/Van Buren

Tell yer friends.

After losing the flat so graciously offered by MattDunning for most of last year--thanks for everything Matt!--Elbowing Off the Stage is returning to Manhattan's (hey, it's hard to beat the "private" attic and cheap drink specials), and we hope you'll decide to join us.

H aFi Zah GEt e R is from Columbia, South Carolina and received her undergraduate degree in English and Economics from Clemson University. She is in her fourth semester at Columbia College where she also teaches Writing and Rhetoric I. She is an avid reader of Susan Sontag and enjoys libraries and bookstores. This one time, she ran a marathon.

K rI st En OR ser is the author of Winter, Another Wall (blossombones); Fall Awake (Taiga Press); Squint (Dancing Girl Press); Wilted Things (Scantily Clad Press); Folded into your Midwestern Thunderstorm (Greying Ghost Press); and E AT I, illustrated by James Thomas Stevens (Wyrd Tree Press, 2009). She is certain about being uncertain and she might forget to return your phone calls.

J ac o BK nA bb's double-life as Editor of Another Chicago Magazine and lecturer of composition at UIC has led him to cast his demons into a herd of swine he saw by a ravine. He is still waiting to hear them hit bottom.