Wednesday, April 24th, 2013
April 24, 7:00 - 9:00PM
The Cafe Gallery
open mic at Gallery Cabaret
2020 N. Oakley Ave.
(a block away from Western and Armitage, by Milwaukee Ave., near a Blue line el stop)

Andrea Shoup has recently joined cc&d magazine as an associate editor for cc&d for the new section of poetry in cc&d called "Chicago Pulse" (cc&d magazine is an 84 page perfect-bound magazine, running out of Chicago for ~20 years, published with Scars Publications, Janet Kuypers (as Editor in Chief of cc&d) always looks for Chicago poets to include in her magazine, but starting with the July/August 2013 issue of cc&d, Andrea will also be involving additional Chicago area poets to appear in this newly-named section of cc&d.

In the past, Andrea has usually frequented other open mics in Chicago, so she will be a great addition to the Chicago poetry scene at the Cafe Gallery!
You can also sign up for a later feature with Janet Kuypers and side-kick Bob Rashkow... For info about the open mike and the 2013 schedule (and getting the chance to sign up for your OWN feature) you can always check out for the regular podcast, feature videos or future schedules. Email the open mike at (or - only if the email has problems) with any questions, but details about the CALL for 2013 features is also available on line!