Expressing the Inexpressible: Poetry and Religious
Fischer, poetry reading and talk
Tuesday, June 4th 7-8:30pm
at the DePaul
University Art Museum
935 W. Fullerton
2nd floor multipurpose room
Norman Fischer is an eminent Zen Teacher and noted poet and author. Norman is former Abbot and Senior Dharma Teacher of the San Francisco Zen Center, and now leads the Everyday Zen Foundation. Norman is known for his eclecticism, warmth, and common sense, and has been active in interfaith dialog and teaching in the business world. His new book of poetry is The Strugglers. His other books of poems include Opening to You: Zen-inspired Translations of the Psalms; Precisely the Point Being Made; Like a Walk Through a Park; On Whether or Not To Believe in Your Mind; Turn Left in Order to Go Right; and Success. His many other books include the recent Training in Compassion: Zen Teachings on the Practice of Lojong; Benedict's Dharma: Buddhists Comment on the Rule of Benedict; Sailing Home: using Homer’s Odyssey to navigate life's perils and pitfalls; and Jerusalem Moonlight.
Co-sponsored by: DePaul
University Religious Studies Department
for Interreligious Engagement, DePaul University
Dragon Zen Gate, Chicago