Fresh off of the Poetry Pentathlon Billy Tarlin joins us to further explore his personal brand of poetic madness. You should come check this out.
as usual you find us in the back room of
Jaks Tap
901 Jackson
7:30sign uo
showtime 8-10pm
our overly nostalgic theme for the evening is "Do you remember when..."
The chicago poetry calendar [dot] org is a community organized & maintained blog for all things poetry-wise in Chicago. We are always looking for contributing members to post news, book reviews, essays, submission calls, new book and lit mag releases, as well as short postcards from readings around the greater Chicago area. If you are a reading series curator, editor, or other lit organizer and would like to join the blog to post your events and info, shoot an e-mail to wickedpen74 (at) yahoo with the request.