a book release party for
Joshua Corey
Saturday, March 12th
With readings by Chicago writers:
Robert Archambeau
John Beer
Ray Bianchi
Joel Craig
Chris Green
Jennifer Karmin
Simone Muench
Kristy Odelius
Larry Sawyer
Davis Schneiderman
Tony Trigilio
at The Book Cellar
4736-38 N. Lincoln Avenue
Joshua Corey brings his third collection of poetry, Severance Songs to the Book Cellar for its Chicago launch party. Severance Songs, winner of the 2008 Dorset Prize from Tupelo press, is a sequence of unrhymed sonnets, written in the wake of 9/11. The poems live in the contraditions that exist within sardonic lyricism and dark humor.
A celebration of the sonnet, the reading of the new book of poetry by Corey will be interwoven by readings of new and classic sonnets by a cavalcade of Chicago poets.