{readings that play with reading}
Experiment #44:
Chat & Shout
7pm / doors lock 7:30
The Ladies Ring Shout
(Felicia Holman, Abra Johnson & Meida McNeal)
& Adam Roberts with collaborators
Erika Jo Brown, Matthew Klane & BJ Love
at Outer Space Studio
1474 N. Milwaukee Ave
suggested donation $4
logistics --
near CTA Damen blue line
third floor walk up
not wheelchair accessible
ERIKA JO BROWN is from New York, where she founded the Chinatown reading series Floetry at 169. She is editor of Stretching Panties magazine, an oft-annual print collection of experimental poetry, architecture and drawing. Her poems can be found at H_NGM_N, Spork and Back Room Live. Further Adventures Press just published her chapbook, What a Lark! She’s currently a MFA candidate at the Iowa Writers’ Workshop.
FELICIA HOLMAN, is, by trade, a Certified Personal Trainer with both the National Academy of Sports Medicine and the National Strength and Conditioning Association. However, her lifelong passion for performance/expression and creativity motivated her charter membership with the Chicago-based women’s performance collective, Ladies Ring Shout (LRS). As a founding member of LRS, Felicia has helped build evocative performance pieces that confront/explore such notions as sexuality, home, race, history, and memory.
ABRA JOHNSON teaches with the City Colleges of Chicago and its Bridge Program with DePaul University. Having scholarly interests in representations of race/ethnicity, gender, sexuality, and class in popular music, she will be travelling to Savannah, Georgia to study Gullah and Ogeechee African-American subcultures as a National Endowment for the Humanities Community College Faculty Fellow.
MATTHEW KLANE is editor and co-founder of Flim Forum Press. His book is B_____ Meditations (Stockport Flats, 2008). Recent work can be found in Taiga, muthafucka, Harp&Altar, and Word For/Word. He currently lives and writes in Iowa City.
BJ LOVE is the author of Michigander (Greying Ghost, 2010), We are Two Bastards (Indivia, forthcoming) and A Revisionist History...(Small Fires, 2011) with Friedrich Kerksieck. Additionally, he is an MFA candidate in the University of Iowa Writer's Workshop and the editor of Further Adventures Chapbooks & Pamphlets.
MEIDA MCNEAL (PhD Performance Studies, Northwestern University) is an Independent Artist and Scholar, a 2010 Chicago Dancemakers Forum Lab Artist, Dance Researcher for the Chicago Artists Resource Web Project and a Teaching Artist with Changing Worlds, a nonprofit educational arts organization. In addition to developing a number of performance projects, Meida is currently completing her first book-length manuscript “Compromised Subjectivities: Constructing Trinidadian Nationhood and Navigating Postcolonial Caribbean Performance” based on over ten years of ethnographic research in Trinidad.
ADAM ROBERTS grew up in Rhode Island, and is currently a post-graduate fellow at the University of Iowa. He's the author of the chapbook "Poem in Four Parts" and the epic blogger poem "Jersey Shore."
RED ROVER SERIES is curated by Laura Goldstein and Jennifer Karmin. Each event is designed as a reading experiment with participation by local, national, and international writers, artists, and performers. The series was founded in 2005 by Amina Cain and Jennifer Karmin.
Email ideas for reading experiments
to us at redroverseries@yahoogroups.com
The schedule for events is listed at