Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Palabra Pura, May 20

The Wind Shifts: New Latino Poetry ON TOUR
Start: Wednesday, May 20, 2009 - 7:30pm

Time: Reading begins at 7:30PM.
Cost: Free admission, all ages.
Location: Décima Musa, 1901 S. Loomis, Chicago

Rosa Alcalá’s most recent collection of poems is Undocumentary (Dos Press, 2008). She is also the author of Some Maritime Disasters (Belladonna, 2003). Her translations from Spanish are widely published, and are forthcoming in The Oxford Book of Latin American Poetry.

Kevin A. González is the author of the recently published collection, Cultural Studies (Carnegie Mellon University Press, 2009). His poems and stories have appeared in various venues, including Poetry, The Progressive and McSweeney’s. His work is also featured at From the Fishouse (http://www.fishousepoems.org/).

Carolina Monsivais’ book, Somewhere Between Houston and El Paso: Testimonies of a Poet (Wings Press, 2001), received the Premio Poesía Tejana. Her work has appeared in various journals and anthologies, including U.S. Latino Literature Today (Longman, 2004).

Lidia Torres is the author of A Weakness for Boleros (Mayapple Press, 2005). Her poems have appeared in such journals as Ploughshares, Hayden’s Ferry Review, and Massachusetts Review. Her distinctions include a poetry fellowship from the New York Foundation for the Arts.