Thursday, August 9, 2012

tomorrow night!

Melissa Severin, Stephanie Anderson, and Daniela Olszewska Read Poemz

Friday, August 10, 7:30pm
Women & Children First
5233 N Clark Street

Melissa Severin's chapbook, Brute Fact, is available from dancing girl press. Her poems have appeared in MoonLit, 42Opus, and The Cultural Society. She sometimes writes about Liverpool FC at Empire of the Kop. Melissa lives in Chicago.

Stephanie Anderson is the author of several poetry chapbooks, including In the Particular Particular (DIAGRAM/New Michigan Press) and The Nightyard (Noemi Press), and a forthcoming full-length collection, In the Key of Those Who Can No Longer Organize Their Environments (H orse Less Press). Her poems and essays have recently appeared or are forthcoming in The Denver Quarterly, Mimeo Mimeo, RealPoetik, The Sink Review, Typo, and Yew. She lives in Chicago, where she runs the micro-press Projective Industries and is poetry editor for the Chicago Review.

Daniela Olszewska is the author of four collections of poetry: cloudfang : : cakedirt (Horse Less Press, 2012), Citizen J (Artifice Books, forthcoming in 2012), True Confessions of An Escapee From The Capra Facility For Wayward Girls (Spittoon, forthcoming in 2013), and (with Carol Guess) How To Feel Confident With Your Special Talents (Black Lawrence Press, forthcoming in 2014). Daniela sits on Switchback Books' Board of Directors and serves as Associate Poetry Editor of H_NGM_N and Another Chicago Magazine.