Red Rover
{readings that play with reading}
Experiment #80:
{readings that play with reading}
Experiment #80:
Humanity 102 - Daily Exercises in Futility & Thwarted Desire
7pm / doors lock 7:30pm
Travis Cebula
Adrienne Dodt
Sarah Suzor
The Activists Poet's Brigade
at Outer Space Studio
1474 N. Milwaukee Ave
suggested donation $4
logistics --
near CTA Damen blue lineSATURDAY, OCTOBER 18
7pm / doors lock 7:30pm
Travis Cebula
Adrienne Dodt
Sarah Suzor
The Activists Poet's Brigade
at Outer Space Studio
1474 N. Milwaukee Ave
suggested donation $4
logistics --
third floor walk up
not wheelchair accessible
TRAVIS CEBULA lives with his wife and trusty dogs in Colorado, where he writes, edits and teaches creative writing. He graduated from the MFA program at Naropa University in 2009—the same year he founded Shadow Mountain Press, a small press that focuses on hand-made editions of poetry chapbooks. His poetry, stories, essays, reviews, and photography have appeared internationally. He is the author of four full-length collections of poetry, including Ithaca, One Year in a Paper Cinema, and After the Fox with Sarah Suzor. You can find him in Paris every summer teaching with the Left Bank Writers Retreat.
ADRIENNE DODT is a poet, essayist, and amateur photographer. Adrienne's chapbook Return. is forthcoming from Damask Press this year. Zir work can be found in The Body Electric anthology and Fact-Simile, Apothecary, and Con/Crescent magazines. Ze is a regular contributor to Spoon River Poetry Review blog, and was the Poetry Editor for Bombay Gin magazine in 2008-2009. Adrienne currently teaches at a few community colleges in Chicago.
SARAH SUZOR's full-length collection of poetry, The Principle Agent, won the 2010 Hudson Prize and was published by Black Lawrence Press in 2011. She also has a collaboration After the Fox, which is co-authored with Travis Cebula (Black Lawrence Press, 2014). Her reviews and interviews can be found in Tarpaulin Sky and Rain Taxi, and she has recently guest blogged for the Best American Poetry series. She lives in Venice, California where she is a founding editor for Highway 101 Press, a correspondent for Omnidawn’s online magazine OmniVerse, and a guest lecturer for the Left Bank Writers Retreat in Paris.
THE ACTIVISTS POET'S BRIGADE is a group of students at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago who are studying and creating political lyrics. They will be performing a selection of Asymmetries by Jackson Mac Low (1922-2004), the renowned Buddhist/Pacifist/Anarchist writer. These poems were composed by chance operations and intended for public performance.
Upcoming Red Rover events:
NOVEMBER 29 - Melina Ausikaitis, LeRoy Bach, Abigail Blueher,
Timmy Kinsella, Bryan Saner & Marvin Tate
Timmy Kinsella, Bryan Saner & Marvin Tate
on facebook? why not?