Chicago Underground Library celebrates the Science of Obscurity!
The Chicago Underground Library celebrates “The Science of Obscurity,” an evening of new, unpublished, and in-progress works presented as science fair experiments. The night will also feature a public book launch via catapult and the mass purging of rejection letters–community literary rituals in need of revival!
If you are a writer, publisher, bookmaker, or booklover of any stripe who has recently finished writing a book, has published a book in the past year, or just feels like taking out some aggression on a publication of your choice, we invite you to celebrate by launching your work into space–or at least halfway down the block. We define “book” broadly, so zines, magazines, chapbooks, textbooks, and more are welcome. Read a paragraph, then release!
And while we’re busy launching texts outside, we’ll be dissecting the mysteries of the literary universe inside. Join a dozen local, national, and international writers as they intricately explain the scientific principles underlying their work, real or imagined. Dioramas! Volcanoes! Colorful graphs! Higher mathematics!
We’ll cap the remarkable evening with the shredding and launch of your collective rejection letters, so take them out of storage and cart them along to hand over to our nurturing, accepting staff at the Rejection Table.
This event is free and for all ages. Its other attractions will include the dazzling debut of the Chicago Underground Library’s artist-designed drop boxes, debutantes, prizes, and a raffle!
This is an official Printers’ Ball lead up event. Save the date for the Ball on July 31st at Columbia College’s Center for Book and Paper Arts!
Friday, 10 July 2009, 7–10pm
Jupiter Outpost (1139 W. Fulton Market, Chicago) Map
Food and drink will be available for sale + BYOB
Free, all ages