Ink on Snow, Elizabeth Raby
isbn 9780981989846
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What unites all the poems in Ink on Snow is the voice of someone brave enough to see closely both the painful and the beautiful--to ask what will satisfy and to trust the words to respond in the way we trust prayers to be answered: not with easy solutions or simple fixes, but with a recognition that what we are looking for will never reveal itself in the way we expect it to. So many of the poems are acts of witness by a speaker who is both detached and passionate, intimate and observant, conscious of her distance from things--tragedies, natural phenomenon, people--and determined to bridge this distance through the agency of a loving and courageous language, exploring the dark energies that inform her life and the world's and in doing so, illuminating our lives and hers.
Christopher Bursk, author of The First Inhabitants of Arcadia