with performers, writers, composers & choreographers
featuring Jennifer Karmin
in a live collaboration with Kath Duffy & Dan Godston
performing from the text-sound epic
Monday, November 29th
7-8:30 pm
at the Storefront Theater
66 E. Randolph Street
free but reservations encouraged
312.742.8497 or http://www.dcatheater.org
presented by
Chicago DCA Theater
Chicago Opera Vanguard
& Caffeine Theatre
in conjunction with
Boojum! Nonsense, Truth, and Lewis Carroll
November 18-December 19, 2010
JENNIFER KARMIN's text-sound epic, Aaaaaaaaaaalice, was published by Flim Forum Press in 2010. She curates the Red Rover Series and is co-founder of the public art group Anti Gravity Surprise. Her multidisciplinary projects have been presented at festivals, artist-run spaces, community centers, and on city streets across the U.S., Japan, and Kenya. A proud member of the Dusie Kollektiv, she is the author of the Dusie chapbook Evacuated: Disembodying Katrina. Walking Poem, a collaborative street project, is featured online at How2. In Chicago, Jennifer teaches creative writing to immigrants at Truman College and works as a Poet-in-Residence for the public schools.
KATH DUFFY is a writer who co-founded the public art group Anti Gravity Surprise in 2001 to forge alliances with other artists, activists, community groups, and the general public. Expanding on collaboration as political force, Kath initiated the organizing efforts of the Dill Pickle Food Coop in late 2005, and is currently serving her second three year term on the board of directors. Kathleen earns her keep as the Communications Organizer for the Campaign for Better Health Care and is a member of the concert production staff of the Old Town School of Folk Music.
DAN GODSTON teaches and lives in Chicago. His writings have appeared in Chase Park, After Hours, BlazeVOX, Versal, Beard of Bees, Drunken Boat, 580 Split, Kyoto Journal, Eratica, The Smoking Poet, Horse Less Review, Moria, Apparatus Magazine, EOAGH, Requited Journal, Sentinel Poetry, and other print publications and online journals. His poem "Mask to Skin to Blood to Heart to Bone and Back" was nominated by the editors of 580 Split for the Pushcart Prize. He also composes and performs music, and he works with the Borderbend Arts Collective to organize the annual Chicago Calling Arts Festival.