Friday, November 19 · 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Location Bros. K - 500 Main St. - Evanston
Created By RHINO Poetry
More Info ANTHONY MADRID lives in Chicago. His poems have recently appeared or are forthcoming in AGNI Online, Boston Review, Iowa Review, LIT, Now Culture, Forklift Ohio, Poetry, 6X6, The Cincinnati Review, and WEB CONJUNCTIONS. His manuscript is called THE 580 STROPHES.
CHAD SWEENEY is the author of three books of poetry, Parable of Hide and Seek (2010), Arranging the Blaze (2009) and An Architecture (2007), and five chapbooks, most re...cently The Lost Notebooks of Juan Sweeney (2010). He is co-translator, from the Farsi, of the Selected Poems of H.E. Sayeh (2011). Sweeney’s poems have appeared widely, including in Best American Poetry 2008, Verse Daily, New American Writing, Colorado Review, Black Warrior, Verse, Volt and American Poetry Review. He is coeditor of Parthenon West Review and editor of the anthology Days I Moved Through Ordinary Sounds (2009). Chad is a PhD candidate at Western Michigan University where he teaches poetry and serves as assistant editor of New Issues Press. He lives with his wife, poet Jennifer K. Sweeney and their son, Liam.See More