Karyna McGlynn
Nate Slawson
Chris Green
Nate SLAWSON edits the online magazine dear camera and designs books for Cinematheque Press. He is the author of the chapbook a mixtape called Zooey Deschanel (Line4, 2009), and recent work has appeared or is forthcoming in diode, H_NGM_N, Typo, Forklift, Ohio, Cannibal, DIAGRAM, Corduroy Mtn., and others. He lives in Chicago.
Chris GREEN’s poems have appeared in numerous publications, including Poetry, Verse, Black Clock, North American Review, RATTLE, 5 AM, Poet Lore, and Poetry East. His book, The Sky Over Walgreens, was published in 2007 by Mayapple Press; his chapbook, Conceptual Animals, was published in 2006 by Sheltering Pines Press. He has been a featured reader and lecturer for the Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs, Amnesty International, and National Public Radio. He has an M.F.A. in Poetry from Bennington College and an M.A in British and American Literature from the University of Utah. He has been an editor for Quarterly West and RHINO. He was Editorial Manager for BearingPoint Inc., one of the largest consulting companies in the world. He has also taught for fifteen years at high schools and colleges across the country; he currently teaches poetry at Loyola University and DePaul University. He is also a Visiting Fellow at the DePaul University Humanities Center and his latest book, Epiphany School (Mayapple Press), will be appearing soon.
Karyna McGLYNN was born and raised in Austin, TX and received her MFA from the University of Michigan, where she received a Hopwood Award and was selected by Tony Hoagland for a Zell Postgraduate Fellowship. Her first book, I Have to Go Back to 1994 and Kill a Girl, won the 2008 Kathryn A. Morton Prize in Poetry from Sarabande Books, and her third chapbook, Small Shrines, is forthcoming from Cinematheque Press. Recent poems have appeared in Fence, Denver Quarterly, ACM, Octopus, POOL, Typo, Copper Nickel and Forklift, Ohio. Karyna is currently the Claridge Writer-in-Residence at Illinois College. She edits L4: The Journal of the New American Epigram with Adam Theriault.
THE MYOPIC POETRY SERIES — a weekly series of readings and occasional poets' talks
Myopic Books in Chicago
Sundays at 7:00
1564 N. Milwaukee Avenue, 2nd Floor
Contact curator Larry Sawyer for booking information and requests.
E-mail: larrysawyerpoet@yahoo.com