The Celebrated One-Woman Show
by Lenelle Moïse
September 16. 7:00pm.
Music Center Concert Hall,
1014 S. Michigan. FREE
Hailed as “a tour de force” and “a masterful performer”, Haitian-American artist-activist Lenelle Moise brings us WOMB-WORDS, THIRSTING, an interactive performance of patchwork poetic storytelling delivered, slam-style, from the gut. Through a mix of womanist Vodou jazz, queer theory hip-hop, spoken word, song and movement, Lenelle Moise re-conceives memory, dances revolution, reclaims F-words and boldly speaks out about growing up immigrant, working-class, politicized and queer. Presented by the LGBTQ Office of Culture & Community in partnership with the Institute, and co-sponsored by African American Cultural Affairs, Center for Teaching Excellence and the English Department.