Friday, December 17 · 7:30pm - 11:30pm
Stop Smiling Storefront
1371 N. Milwaukee Ave
Chicago, IL
MAKE: A Chicago Literary Magazine
More Info $10 donation includes complementary PBR, wine,
and holiday snacks.
Features readings from contributors, including:
...-Alvilde Falck
-Judith Goldman
-Elizabeth Hildreth
-Devin King
-Fred Sasaki
Music from the one and only TCB (Tiny Cover Band)
Mini Chicago Ward Primer from Joe Drogos, featuring the" top five things that are five things"
DJ Joel Craig and guests
PLUS! Issue 10 "At Play" subscriptions and individual copies at a discount!
Alvilde Falck is a nineteen-year-old Norwegian girl currently studying in Chicago. In Norway, her poetry has been published in a collection of poems by teenage writers, as well as in a nonfiction book on female youth culture. In America, her creative nonfiction has been published in Orion Magazine.
Judith Goldman received her PhD from Columbia University in English and Comparative Literature (2007). She is also the author of two books of poetry, Vocoder (Roof 2001) and DeathStar/Rico-chet (O 2006), and the co-editor, with Leslie Scalapino, of War and Peace, an annual anthology of experimental writing against the war.
Elizabeth Hildreth lives in Chicago and works as an instructional designer and a regular interviewer for the online literary magazine Bookslut. She blogs at The Effect of Small Animals. HYPERLINK "http://theeffectofsmallanimals.blogspot.com/"http://theeffectofsmallanimals.blogspot.com/
Devin King lives and works in Chicago. His first book of poetry, CLOPS, is out from the Green Lantern Press.
Fred Sasaki's work in this issue is from a manuscript called "Letters of Interest," parts of which have appeared or are forthcoming in the Iowa Review, Pax Americana, ACM, Artifice, Proximity, Rocktober, and other places.